A beautiful new world is rising!
LIFE is inviting you into exquisiteness of love itself.
Lead by your heart’s calling within...
You are the golden tree of LIFE...
Living In Fearless Evolution...
Your majestic ancient roots...
deeply embedded in the belly of the Great Mother...
drinking up her elixir of life...
into every part of your being...
effortlessly regenerating...
shackles of bondage falling...
This time for good...
Reclaiming your sovereignty & divinity...
Golden branches reaching high into the sky...
into the clarity, stillness and peace of the Cosmic Mother...
Embodying pure love...
Renewed joyfully emerging...
like a phoenix rising from the ashes...
Activated by your wisdom within...
springing from your very own deep connection to source itself...
The seed knows its destiny...
by nature’s laws becomes just that...
You are a golden seed of a new age rising...
Your destiny is calling...
Are you ready?
Her light shines bright and lights the pathway to New Earth.
Working with Prasanna will fill your cup, take you deep and blossom trust in yourself and the Divine.
She is deeply caring and has the ability to see your gifts and bring them to fruition.
I highly recommend Prasanna’s offerings,
workshops, retreats and online groups.
You’ll feel the divine flow through her and into you!
With gratitude and love,
South Australia, Australia
“It’s so wonderful to connect with like-minded inspirational women in person and online to be supported while navigating the energies of New Earth and what that means on a personal level.
Prasanna creates a safe nurturing space where she gently guides you to the next level. She trusts her intuition and fosters trust within her clients, so we can believe in ourselves more, so we can step into our truth, our lives, to continue stepping into and holding the light for the benefit of all.
I followed my joy, drove 1800km to attend a retreat in person to continue to raise my vibration so in turn I can assist in raising the vibration of the earth at this time.
I highly recommend attending a retreat with Prasanna, you will be in safe nurturing supportive hands to take your nest step.”
Leanne, NSW, Australia
“Spending time with Prasanna is like being seen for who I am. She has an ability to see gifts of those around her and her compassion, warmth and care igniting and nurturing the spark in everyone around her.”
Louise, Victoria, Australia
“Having shared the last 2 days online at the Ecstatic Creatrix Retreat with Prasanna, I am feeling grounded and alive.
I have a wonderful clarity on what my next steps on my earth journey will be.
Prasanna’s energy is deeply comforting. She makes you feel at ease to talk about anything that comes to light, knowing you will be heard and understood in the container and safety of the retreat and the people in it.
I was unable to be at the retreat in person. Even though I was online for the sessions, I felt as if I was actually in the room with the other ladies.
The Creatrix Retreat and working with Prasanna for the past two years have totally enhanced and changed me as a person tenfold.
My heart is full, my body grounded, my spirit soaring. I feel ready for whatever tomorrow brings.”
Tonia, New Zealand
Prasanna is a powerful embodied speaker, mentor and international bestselling author of Elemental Woman. She is available for speaking engagements in front of smaller and larger audiences.
To invite Prasanna to speak at your next event, summit, podcast or radio show, email [email protected].
In 1995 Prasanna’s world fell apart…
She lost her second baby two days after birth, which turned out to be the biggest catalyst for the work she does in the world. After running a complimentary health centre with 8 practitioners, she withdrew for a decade to living submerged in the Australian bush. During these awakening years Mother Earth began to reveal ancient wisdom for these challenging times. You can read more about this in her 2018 International Bestseller ‘Elemental Woman’.
Today Prasanna speaks to awake audiences paving the way for a whole new way of being. She offers the experience of ‘being interwoven into the golden fabric of LIFE itself’ as she likes to call it. ‘You are part of the breathing body of Mother Earth.’
Prasanna holds space for others to drop into their own dreaming.
This gives rise to creating their life’s work and become a resilient awake leader in these times of great change. Embodying the elements of nature, as shared in her international bestseller Elemental Woman, supports you in tapping into solutions of tomorrow’s problems. It ignites your sexual creative force to powerfully fuel your body in ways that make you feel alive, sensual and full of vitality. This gives you the drive, resilience and embodied power to keep going during challenging times.
When it comes to birthing your life’s work and step into your sacred mentor- and leadership, Prasanna is who you’ve been looking for.
She inspires a new kind of leadership fit for these challenging times of deconstruction on the one side and the seeding of a new world on the other.
In her experiential live talks she shares wisdom received, integrated and expressed over a course of 30 years or more. Prasanna offers life-changing events virtually and in person.
Her fiercely loving presence inspires others with her rich tapestry of life, her reverence for beauty, nature, family and the freedom to courageously express all of who she is.
Receive Prasanna's 7 Golden Keys to unlock your exuberant creativity and become a resilient awake leader.
Audiences Prasanna has presented to:
Many half day Events over the years
Podcast and radio interviews
Women’s and Networking Events, Australia & US
GO Festival Melbourne
Seven Sisters Festival, Melbourne
Woman Arising Gathering, Arizona
Vedic Astrology Conference, Arizona
WomanSpeak International Festival, Arizona
The Awakening Event, Melbourne
Contact Prasanna
To invite Prasanna to speak at your next online or in person event, podcast or radio show, email [email protected].
Are you on Telegram or Signal?
Let's connect:
The Wildly Replenished Woman Trust is a private, membership-based organization and is functioning for humanitarian purposes and to improve the lives in our local communities. No information shared or discussed should be considered as legal or health advice. By visiting and entering this website or any of its entertainment libraries in any way you here by agree that you entered into a private domain subject to the private membership terms of the Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation. The Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation, reserve all rights and are not responsible for individual use by the Users and/or Visitors to this site. This site is proprietary in nature and controlled under special private agreement. Obtaining any material including but not limited to downloads, recording, copying of any kind, cut and paste, hand written, etc., from this site by any and all parties without express permission from Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation, is expressly forbidden. All State and Federal public entities, legal persons, offices, officers, agencies or agents are barred from extracting content from this site under any presumption of law without express permission by Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation. All state and federal persons and offices will be held liable in their private and public capacities for any breach of these conditions. Assumed and presumed public statutory authority over the private proprietary property of Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation, contained and maintained on this site is hereby rebutted and denied without a valid quo warranto, express contract or express agreement.
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