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Wildy Replenished Woman

Join the Wildy Replenished Woman Foundation Today

‘By healing women and all that is feminine we will heal the world’

-Prasanna Diana Manuela

What you receive upon joining today?
  • 7 Golden Keys to unlock your exuberant creativity and be a resilient awake leader

  • Elemental Leadership Video

  • A Woman’s 9 Essential Keys to Financial Abundance 15min Video Training

Why join Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation today?
  • Be part of the awakening of a new generation of Wise Woman Leaders

  • Receive support for your own healing & birthing process

  • Regenerate from the inside out and become unstoppable in your purpose

  • Be part of the rippling effect and become an Elemental Wise Woman Leader

Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation is dedicated to providing powerful support to its members to heal deep seated wounding, discover their innate gifts, fully step into their purpose and positively contribute to the birth of a beautiful new earth.


We are excited to offer you the opportunity to be part of our community and start your journey of feminine empowerment, vitality and creativity.


If you would like to receive services and/or products from Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation, you simply need to register as a member.

Why Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation?
  • Powerful transformative events & trainings

  • Loving high frequency healing space

  • Experienced facilitation & mentoring preparing you for a new world


Prasanna Diana Manuela is international bestselling author of Elemental Woman, inspirational speaker, mystical healer and prosperity creatrix. She is passionate about women and men bringing their unique gifts to our rapidly emerging new world, whilst feeling alive, vibrant and full of life giving energy.


Prasanna’s world fell apart after losing her baby 2 days after birth in 1995. She ended up living surrounded by the beautiful Australian bush, observing and absorbing nature deeply into her being. It was during this time, that Mother Earth began to speak to her, revealing ancient wisdom for modern times.


Prasanna was trained as a yoga therapist in India in 1996. She is also a Reiki and Isis Seichim Master teacher, Wu Tao Dance and Art of Feminine Presence teacher. Having opened one of the first complimentary health centres in Australia in the mid-nineties. She experiences life through the lens of the 5 elements of nature.


When it comes to awakening to your heart’s calling, Prasanna is exceptional.


‘Elemental Woman awakens your heart’s calling and opens you to your innate Feminine Creative Force to regenerate from the inside out. This work brings profound self-understanding and connects you with a power that is far greater than you ever imagined.’

Interesting facts about Prasanna:
  • Prasanna used to creatively home school her now 3 adult children who adore and love her

  • She is Mamushka to 2 beautiful grand children

  • She has an innocent relationship to the natural world and loves speaking with animals and trees.

  • One day whilst outside in the bush, a wild wattle bird fell in love with Prasanna and followed her around on her head for the rest of the day.

  • Prasanna arrived in Australia as a young 21 year old backpacker from Germany. Not long after that she had her first awakening in the red centre of Australia.

  • She already had a vision in kindergarden of migrating to a big wild country. She just didn’t know what it was called.


The Wildly Replenished Woman Trust is a private, membership-based organization and is functioning for humanitarian purposes and to improve the lives in our local communities. No information shared or discussed should be considered as legal or health advice. By visiting and entering this website or any of its entertainment libraries in any way you here by agree that you entered into a private domain subject to the private membership terms of the Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation. The Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation, reserve all rights and are not responsible for individual use by the Users and/or Visitors to this site. This site is proprietary in nature and controlled under special private agreement. Obtaining any material including but not limited to downloads, recording, copying of any kind, cut and paste, hand written, etc., from this site by any and all parties without express permission from Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation, is expressly forbidden. All State and Federal public entities, legal persons, offices, officers, agencies or agents are barred from extracting content from this site under any presumption of law without express permission by Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation. All state and federal persons and offices will be held liable in their private and public capacities for any breach of these conditions. Assumed and presumed public statutory authority over the private proprietary property of Wildly Replenished Woman Foundation, contained and maintained on this site is hereby rebutted and denied without a valid quo warranto, express contract or express agreement.

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